Our Services

Title Insurance


Title insurance is a form of indemnity insurance that protects lenders and homebuyers from financial loss sustained from defects in a title to a property. The most common type of title insurance is lender’s title insurance, which the borrower purchases to protect the lender. The other type is owner’s title insurance, which a buyer may purchase to protect equity in the property.

Leasehold Insurance


A party or tenant entering into an agreement granting the use or occupancy of land during a specified period of time in exchange for rent needs leasehold insurance. A leasehold policy insures either the owner of a leasehold estate or a lender making a loan secured by a mortgage on the leasehold estate with respect to the title of the property. If a tenant is prevented from using a property because of an insured title matter, the tenant will be covered under this title insurance policy.

Property Searches


We perform last owner searches, co-op searches, foreclosure searches, bankruptcy searches, tax searches and more.

Document Services


We can obtain copies of documents that have been recorded.